Thursday, January 03, 2008

Sleepless Nights

100_1984Tori returned from her grandparents with plenty of toys. She also returned with her habit of waking in the middle of the night. This is not a welcome development for her parents. It wasn't a big deal when we were all still at home after Christmas. Everyone could sleep late and we did. But once it was time to go back to work, Tori decided to be let us have less sleep.

Tuesday she went down early for a nap at 1, but I had to wake her up at almost 6 pm! Then when we tried to put her in bed at 10, she got out of bed and tried to open our bedroom door. Her Mama tried to get her to sleep with her, but Tori kept talking. Since I was still up, I stayed up with her until 11:30 to wear her out. Yet, she fought getting in bed then and didn't want to go to sleep. Eventually she did, but the only thing it did was make her parents tired.

Last night wasn't much different. She got a decent nap, got up at a good time, but still was a little hellion when it came to bedtime. She howled, "I want up" for 30 minutes. She was given a drink, her 'babies' had there blanket and eventually she went to sleep. Sometime during the night, she started fussing again, so I slept in her bed with her until 5 am. Making for another night of bad sleep. This morning while driving her to the sitter's, Tori mocked my tiredness by sleeping the 20 minute ride to the sitters. I can't wait for the days she sleeps through the night again. Only for baby #3 to invoke its wrath on our sleep schedule.

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