Our little girl can roll both ways, hold her head up well and is getting to be a decent sleeper. She can go up to 7 or 8 hours if we are lucky. Usually it is 6, but that is better than it has been. She is very interested in the napkins and salt and pepper holder. She'll grab the napkins and shove them in her mouth. She likes toppling the holder too.
Toys have become more interesting to her. She loves the bouncy seat and swing, when she's in the mood. She also likes the toys with lights and sounds. When she's bored, she roll over, but can't quite figure out what to do next. She's not much of a tummy person yet.
We are going to try her on cereal soon. She's downing 4 ounce every 2 hours at night, so we are increasing her milk amount and going to see how she likes cereal. I'm sure the cats will appreciate her efforts to fling food.
She also loves shoving her towels and blankets in her mouth. I guess it is something good to suck on. The showers continue as she likes them better than a bath. When she's old enough, we can stick her and Ollie in the tub together, if he'll share. She's not growing up too fast, yet.