Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Sad Girl

Tori wants to go to school with Big brother Ollie. So much so that she cried when he got on the bus and she couldn't. She tried to see Ollie through the bus window, but he was too short to be seen. Once home she went with Daddy to run some errands while Ollie was in school. Today she slept through the bus pick-up, so no tears were shed. She hopefully doesn't say much about Ollie being gone.

This week, Tori will be going to a school all her own. Mama's Potty Training School. At least as much as Eli will allow. Tori is as bad as her brother was when it comes to potty training. She wants no part of it. I'm guessing for her 4th birthday, Tori is going to get a present of sitting on the potty until she learns to use it just like her brother. If only we could get her trained before then.

In other Tori news, she's up to 32 lbs and it feels like 10 more than the 2 she's actually gained. She seems a lot heavier than she is and hopefully its muscle.

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