Monday, September 11, 2006

Special Powers Returned

After Tori sent Tyler her special message, he sent the same message right back to her for this past weekend. She is getting teeth and was up moaning or crying about every 20 minutes the last 2 nights. Nothing soothed her and we slept together in the recliner for a little sleep. Sunday night was better, but she's still crabby, but not as bad.


Her worst night seemed to be Friday night and it seems to have been a little better last night. She actually was quiet from 2 to 5. Hopefully that streak continues. These teeth should make 10 total, but we really can't tell for sure, because every time we try to count them, we get a digit bitten off. I'm sure the rest of her teeth will be just as bad of an experience for her and worse for us. The eye teeth are supposed to be the worst, unfortunately, they are also the last. The momentum seems to be building towards that crescendo.

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