Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Cold Turkey

If Tori could speak, I'd imagine most of the word's coming out of her mouth would be "I'm done with that, give me the next big person thing to do". One day, she's eating baby food, the next nothing but real food. One day she has no teeth protruding, the next day 2 are out with more on their heels. She'll won't sleep through the night, then she does without any changes in her routine. It seems like all of her developments will come abruptly and without any transition. One day she'll be crawling and then she'll realize that crawling is for chumps and start walking. The bottle will be the next item that disappears from her life. Once we switch her to whole milk, she'll probably be done with her bottle all together. After all, why drink from a bottle when you can throw your sippee at your parents to demand a refill.

Going for Mail

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