A few weeks ago, Tori had a bad fall and ended up looking like she had a tattoo on her face like Mike Tyson does now. She started the tragedy like this:
She reached over the side, toppled over and ended up like this:
About a week later it started to fade. She wasn't bothered much by it other than the initial fall. She continued to have a good time as all resilient babies seem to.
Yes, that is her brother's sit-n-spin that she 'borrowed'. She likes it a lot. She won't go around in a circle completely, but she'll turn side to side by herself. So far no tragedies.
Now we come to the other issue at hand, her sleeping. At 11 months, Tori won't sleep through the night. It's not that she can't, she just doesn't. She is very good at going to sleep without much of a fight when she's tired. She also takes a bottle every night before she goes to bed. She never drinks it all and falls asleep in your arms. It isn't but a couple of hours before she wakes up. Most of the time it requires a bottle and diaper change before she'll go back to sleep. It isn't like she is hungry in the middle of the night. She drinks enough to fall back asleep. The major problem is that she won't sleep the entire night. Even the nights she does (few and far between) she still fusses. She should be sleeping through the night and we are going to have to find a way to help her do that. She's never been a good sleeper and that is a habit we need to break. For her sake and ours.