Monday, February 28, 2011

New Beds? Perhaps!

After a few trips to the local furniture stores, Christian and Tori have settled on the same loft bed, just in different colors. Tori would like white, but the bed comes only in natural and black, so she is opting for natural. We’re going to girlie it up with stick-ups, etc. She is getting drawers underneath and at the end of the steps, plus a bookshelf. If we move the bookshelf under the head of the bed, she will have some cubbyholes to crawl into and hide her stuff.

Furniture shopping with Tori is very interesting. At first, she was all wound up and excited about it, begging us for a bed that she would outgrow in a couple of years. Then she settled down a bit and zeroed in on the bed with steps yesterday—with some help from us. She is in the middle of this “I don’t know” stage, so we have to work hard to get her to focus and make a decision.

We’ve got some things to do on the house and then we may order a bed for her and one for Christian. It just depends upon how things go with the work on the back of our house (new door and some deck repairs). Wish us luck if we get them new beds. They will want Huts to have everything together in an hour!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day Girl

Tori had a ball yesterday. Not only was it her helper day, but it was Valentine's Day. She made some crafts, played some games and came home smiling with all of her loot. She glued lots of things together last night and made her own little box for her valentines. It was a cute box to begin with, but Tori has added her picture, stickers and lots more to it. She has also stuffed it with her valentines. She took it to school this morning to show off to the people at latchkey. Tomorrow is spring pictures, and she can't wait to dress out of uniform! Goodness knows what outfit she will come up with!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

My Birthday Book

Tori is all about making books these days. She steals the computer paper and either staples the pages together or has her dad do it. Sometimes she tapes up the pages. Then she bugs us for hours on end how to spell certain words. She decided to make me a birthday book, nothing about birthdays persay, just a bunch of scribbles about whatever happened to be on her mind. A nice gift, but very much a Tori gift.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Ready To Go

While Christian was bellyaching about all of the writing he had to do, Tori was watching everything, looking forward to the report she will have to one day do. She loves doing homework. She’s my little eager beaver, and as her teacher says, we don’t worry about Tori because she tries so hard we just know she will get it. Yep, my little Tori is always ready to go to school and do whatever her beloved teachers tell her. She loved making her poster for the 100th day and can’t wait to do her homework each Monday. If she could have, she would have written Christian’s report for him! At least I know she won’t be bellyaching when she has to write about the man or woman she chooses for Black History Month.