Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Just 3


3 years ago today, Tantrum Tori came screaming into the world. She is just as or even more stubborn than the rest of us. Yesterday she was upset because she wanted to go back to the dental room with Ollie. Her first appointment isn't until the fall, so she was upset. Luckily she was kind of distracted with Alladin. After her free sticker she was happy.


Amazingly she was in a decent mood after missing her nap for Ollie's appointment. She insisted on having some of her cake early. She had a bit of it and blew out the candles several times. The night ended badly for her. About 8:30, they hit each other, Ollie apologized, but Tori refused. She kept backing away and screaming she wanted to watch TV. After several attempts to get her to apologize to her brother, she was sent to bed 30 minutes early. She protested for awhile, but eventually fell asleep.

Sand Bagged

Tonight is her birthday dinner and presents. I'm sure there will be more cake, in addition to the cupcakes she took to the sitters. She'll be sugared up and ready to go. Hopefully she crashes in time for bed.

Tea Time

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