Monday, March 27, 2006


Tori's 4th tooth has finally come through. She has found it and is making full use of it when she grinds her teeth. It isn't all the way out yet, but it is there. She makes good use of it by chomping down on her spoon during meals as well. It is just like fighting a dog over a chew toy. You shake it until she lets go. She thinks its a fun game and smiles while she's clamping down on the spoon.

She has been eating better since it has come through and regularly eats a full jar of food at each meal. She's also into eating little snacks from the baby aisle. She eats biter biscuits and wagon wheels. Stuff that will disintegrate and makes a huge mess! Always a plus.

If she isn't chomping on spoons or grinding her teeth, she is chewing on something. She hasn't decided to try and chomp on us yet, but I'm sure it isn't far off.

Pulling herself up on things has also become a favorite activity. She'll try to climb anything. She's also experimenting with cruising and her balance by letting go once she's up. She hasn't hurt herself too horribly yet, but that is part of the learning experience for us all. She just isn't quite ready to be a big girl yet and I don't think her parents are quite ready for her to be a big girl either.

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