As far as Tori's development goes, the past 6 months have crawled for me, for Tresa, they have zoomed by. She is nearing the age of becoming her own person. In other words, we will soon have another person to tell us No and what to do. They are both smaller than us, so we can still take them for a long time to come.
She still does not sleep well, unless she is on her stomach, most of the time. Last night that wasn't true. She grabs at everything and puts it in her mouth. She'll let you know when she's hungry by either screaming loudly or continually eating you! Makes for a very soggy shoulder. She is already ticklish under her arms and laughs totally different from her brother. She can also out scream him at will.
The rate she's going and with the rate he is going, she may be potty trained before him (we
really hope not)!