Tori slept from 9:30 to 9:30 at Grandma and Grandpa's but is not faring well at Mom and Dad's. She got up at 4:00 this morning and kept talking in our bed. We let her watch Dora for a few minutes, but she was cranky, so we put her back to bed. She didn;t have much of that either, making for a really tired Tori and a really tired set of parents.
Tori continues to talk, with "Buzz," "Backpack," and other words pouring out of her left and right. She also enjoys showing off and likes to make faces at whomever might be interested. She took two baths yesterday, all of own doing, and watched Dora again and again. Tori is very bossy now, too, demanding that Ollie stay out of her bath time and the cats stay off her chairs. She even gets bossy with me and demands that I leave her daddy alone.
Tori and Ollie were both glad to see us and haven't let go of us since. Tori likes to sit in our laps now and page through books. You must read fast to keep up with her page turning. Ollie, meanwhile, just insists that he is going to stay home forever and ever!